Monday, June 21, 2010

Enough is Enough

Mondays. They have not gotten any better over the past few months, let me tell you.

I actually hyperventilate most Sunday evenings. Around 7:00 my mind jumps to what I have to accomplish the next week. As it skims through each day it ends zeroing in on Monday.

That happens on a regular basis.

Reports to be run. Numbers to explain. Meetings to report in, interviews to conduct. Projects to coordinate, and people to motivate.

Some days it's just too much.

This morning is the result of one of those days. Couldn't sleep last night. Would wake myself up with mini anxiety attacks dreaming about what needs to be done.

Now, before you tell me about having a pad of paper by the bed, I've done that. Heck, I had a recorder I used to use. Worked great, because I didn't need to find my glasses. But that's not's not that I'll forget to do something or that I had a breakthrough on an idea.

No, it's the sheer volume of stuff that needs to be accomplished.

I've tried having a class of wine or a drink to relax. Gotta tell you, unless I just drink myself to sleep, that's not helping either.

It's the nature of the beast. It comes from caring TOO much. I realize that. I need to step away a bit. Just a bit - a manager that doesn't care doesn't need to be a manager. At least that's my take on it.

So it's Monday morning. 6:30am. I'm still at home in my jammies, sipping on some excellent coffee and trying to prod myself into the shower. Simply put - I don't wanna go in. I just don't. Oh, I will. But I don't want to.

I think I need a vacation. There's a 3 day weekend coming up and I do believe I'm going to find some way to take ALL 3 days off. And by off, I mean OFF. No report running, no checking emails, no nothing. Hell, I may not even have any juice that day.

Because sometimes? Sometimes enough is enough.