Sunday, June 20, 2010

Some things WON'T Change

I love this country. I admire our Military - men, women and their families who freely give for our freedom.

That won't change.

And I get emotional about it. I am watching a rerun right now of Extreme Makeover that is centered around rebuilding a home for a soldier injured in Iraq. My eyes are watering constantly.

Just now I popped over to Mike the Marine's site and found a video that took me from watery eyes to down right bawling.

Watch it.

The Star Spangled banner will ALWAYS move me.

That won't change either.

Thanks for sharing Mike.


  1. Made me cry!! He did a dang good job... and I love the way people started standing. Respect is in short supply some places... but never with real Americans!

  2. Glad you're back to blogging!

    And here's to America and our fantastic military!

  3. Hey, you're back to blogging! Ooohraw! And there are a whole lot of guys that would be glad to follow your trail, especially when you are wearing tight jeans!
